Causes, Diagnosis and Prevention

Resource Person : Dr. Pradeep Apte
Medicare Hospital & Research Center, Indore (MP)
Date : July 15, 2020 Wedensday

Our whole country and the world are today facing the pandemic of Corona Virus Disease or COVID-19. The present talk is intended to outline the origins, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and prevention of this disease. Covid-19 or SARS-Cov-2 outbreak is the third documented spill over of animal corona viruses to humans in the past two decades after Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2002 and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in 2012. The common origin of all appears to be bats and through intermediate hosts to humans. Covid-19 is believed to have spread from the Wuhan district of China in Nov-Dec 2019.
Reliable evidence has shown that the environment is a potential medium of transmission through respiratory droplets and fecal shedding. Hence the need for strict adherence to environmental and hand hygiene. The Corona virus enters through our lungs and targets the alveolar cells which serve as a reservoir for invasion in lung tissue and later through circulation to other parts of the body. In 80% people only mild symptoms are observable, severe may appear in about 15% and those critically ill are around 2-5%. The risk can occur in both symptomatic and non-symptomatic phases which make this virus more dangerous.
Fever (88%), dry cough (67%), fatigue (38%), phlegm production (33%), shortness of breath (19%), muscle pain (15%), sore throat (14%) and headache (14%) are some typical symptoms. Covid-19 threat is higher for people over the age of 60 and with co-morbidities such as diabetes, cancer and cardio-vascular disease. The effective reproductive number of Covid-19 is higher than that of SARS and MERS but the mortality rate is lower than them.
For initial diagnostic testing an upper or lower respiratory tract specimen using a sterile swab stick with transport media is taken. Since Covid-19 or corona virus is a RNA-virus, the RT-PCR or the Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction is used as the gold standard for identifying it. Immunological or antibody based tests using the standard ELISA or rapid ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay) for indentifying early (IgM) and late (IgG) antibodies are also used as prognostic assays. Other tests such as the Complete Blood Count to detect low lymphocytes, CRP, Cardiac markers, Ferritin etc. may serve as useful pointers.
The most commonly used drugs in Covid-19 treatment are Anti-viral drugs like Remdisivir which inhibit the viral functions in the alveolar cells. Anti-malarial drugs like Chloroquine which is known to prevent the entry of the virus in the alveolar cells. Corticosteroids like Dexamethazone have also found to be effective. Immediate use of ventilators is not recommended, they are used in ICUs in critically ill patients and that too as a last resort.
In the post-lockdown phase three most basic steps are of great importance. Social distancing of at least three feet in all areas, the use of hand sanitizers and soap hand wash for at least 20 seconds and covering your mouth and nose with a face mask. Other most important precautions are to avoid crowded places, avoid closed-contact settings and avoid confined and enclosed spaces. The risk is highest where all these three overlap.
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