Resource Person : Dr. Vivek Sharma
Date : July 1, 2020 Wednesday

The session was held on 1st July 2020 at 10: 00 am. The session was taken for nearly an hour. The theme of the session was ‘what a researcher should consider while doing a research. The speaker started his session with a quotation “It ain’t the things we don’t know that gets us in trouble. It’s the things we know that ain’t so.” The purpose of research is to use a scientific method to prove or disprove a hypothesis framed on the basis of experience or review of literature.
The faculty members and the researchers are involved in a trap of ‘publish or perish’. In order to get published the quality of research has really deteriorated. The speaker took an example of the longest experiment and gave his views that research is a process to be enjoyed and not a burden to be published.
The speaker gave some points on why a research is to be done. He summarized his point as:

  1. It builds / enhances your knowledge.
  2. You become better Professor or Manager and human being
  3. Publication would give you visibility across domain and geographies
  4. Improves the probability of getting a better job profile, both in academia and corporate
  5. It our duty to disseminate our knowledge to those who are searching for it
  6. It is serving the society, mankind and god

The latter half of the session was devoted to the key understandings’ of the speaker about research. He emphasized that instead of following the theoretical research process given in all the books the researchers should concentrate on:
  • Read as much as you can around your subject area.
  • Think and take a thoughtful approach to your work.
  • Feel and understand your emotional responses.
  • Watch and be sensitive to what is happening around you
  • Talk to others about various aspects of your work
  • Ask others about their experience and practices
It was followed by answering the queries raised by the participants. The session was concluded by thanksgiving by the respected Principal Prof. Vasudev Mishra.

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