WEBINAR ON "Livelihood and Transformation”

Role of Students and Teachers

Resource Person : Ankur Joshi
Assistant Professor & OMRISE Researcher
Faculty of Management Studies - WISDOM
Banasthali Vidyapith

The purpose of education has been discussed and debated for a long time in public discourses, seminars, government deliberations and other academic platforms. The Bharatiya cultural and civilizational ideas can help us to develop an insight into the purpose of education through interesting and inspiring examples. The first and foremost purpose of education is to overcome ignorance and get rid of inferiority complexes. This has to be followed by developing skills and abilities to ensure livelihood and fulfil responsibilities towards family and society. But this is not the end. Gradually, one needs to enhance the capacity to think beyond logic and develop higher order capabilities or higher avocations in life.
In this pursuit, the definition of धर्म (Dharm) as presented in the Vaisheshik Shastra can play an important role. It suggests that धर्म is one that ensures fulfilment of both अभ्युदय (Abhyaday - materialistic development) and निःश्रेयः (Nishreya - higher avocations).
This model of the holistic development of Bhartiya civilization can guide us towards livelihood and transformation. The reason being the same - there exists no dichotomy in the purpose of education, it serves both: livelihood and transformation. Interesting life stories of leaders that relate with Bhartiya approach to work include Ramanujan, E Sreedharan and APJ Abdul Kalam. These people could transform the nation by their excellent work in their respective fields and the guiding force behind which was faith in Bhartiyata, Bhartiya scriptures and spirituality.
The students and teachers can adopt an interdisciplinary way of teaching which has now started gaining grounds and giving good results. How can teachers and students transform themselves and their task? The answers are right here. For teachers it has to be the realization that they are entrusted with a responsibility to bring positive change in the life of a student by facilitating self-realization, for which they have to be updated and do research, have to remain humble and do not have a mindset of being just an employee of the educational institution. Students have to be always active, eager and ready to learn overcoming cognitive dominance, thinking beyond logic, completing their task and staying motivated from the lessons from education of great students like Satyakaam and Sandipani.

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